Posted by & filed under Announcement.

On 6/14/21 the Selectboard determined the town has completed research regarding the Proposed Firearm Discharge Ordinance and has decided not to pursue adoption of a Firearm Discharge Ordinance at this point in time.

The research included:

  • Reviewing the history of discussion of a Firearm Discharge Ordinance in Mendon in 2015.
  • Reviewing submitted comments before, during and after the Public Hearing conducted on March 15, 2021
  • Interviews with the Vermont State Police, Vermont Game Warden, and Rutland County Sheriff to gather information on the history of response to complaints in Mendon regarding the unsafe discharge of a firearm, as well as ability of these law enforcement agencies to assist with enforcement of the ordinance. 
  • Gathered information from law enforcement agencies regarding the difference between enforcement of an ordinance and issuance of civil penalties versus criminal violations of state statute regarding the unsafe discharging of a firearm and illegal hunting.
  • Researching the number of complaints submitted to the Town in the past 15 years and the nature of those complaints.
  • Researching how many other municipalities in Vermont have a Firearm Discharge Ordinance and the experience in enforcing a Firearm Discharge Ordinance.
  • Reviewing Firearm Discharge Ordinances adopted in other municipalities.

Safety is a priority to the Mendon Selectboard.  The Selectboard encourages individuals that choose to discharge firearms and hunt in Mendon to do so safely and in accordance with state statute.  The Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife is a tremendous resource for learning the safe operation of a firearm as well as how to participate in safety courses in Vermont.

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