The Town of Mendon is accepting proposals for the Journey End Erosion Control and Reconstruction Project.

Full Bid Documents:

  1.  BRP_Mendon_Application_12-20-23_redacted

Bids are due 3/18/25 at 10 AM, Bid opening is at 10:30 AM at the Mendon Town Garage, 157 Park Lane, Mendon, VT

Pre-bid site visit is 3/10/25 at 10 AM at Journeys End, Mendon, VT (end of the road – please park at the end of paved section on the right-hand side leaving the left side open to traffic)

Project must be completed by 6/13/25

Please contact Chris Baird, Road Commissioner at 802-773-4402 or [email protected] if you have any questions.