Effective March 20, 2023, in an effort to increase Office Security, the Town Office will be open by appointment only. Monday-Thursday 9am – 4pm
Office staff will be working behind closed doors Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. during this time to ensure vital functions of the Town can occur.
- DOG LICENSES: Dog licenses are due on April 3, please leave your payment and an updated copy of the rabies certificate for each dog in the gray dropbox (NO CASH!!) or send via USPS and we will mail back the new tags.
- TAX BILL COPIES: If you need a copy of your tax bill, please call or email us! We can e-mail copies to you or your tax preparer.
- LAND RECORDS RESEARCH: The Town of Mendon’s Land Records are indexed and scanned back to June 1, 2001, Books 67-109. Land Records for Books 17-65( July 15, 1939 to June 2001) are scanned only and not indexed yet. If you need to find an image in those books you will need to search by book and then find the page(s) you are looking for. The online system is available by clicking here https://recordhub.cottsystems.com/MendonVT. We WILL NOT conduct research for anyone regardless of the current situation as we do not carry Title Insurance and could be held liable should incorrect documentation be mistakenly sent. If you have deed references (book/page required) you may request documents to be emailed to you with an invoice attached. For more information on Land Records available online click here https://www.mendonvt.gov/land-records/
- VOTER REGISTRATION can be done online at http://olvr.sec.state.vt.us
- TAX MAPS and LISTER cards are available online at https://www.axisgis.com/MendonVT/
Town Office Phone Number is 802-775-1662
• Mendon Town Clerk (Nancy Gondella) email: [email protected]
• Bookkeeper (Jesse Bridge) email: [email protected]
• Town Administrator (Sara Tully) email: [email protected], 802-558-3935
• Town Garage: 802-773-4402, Road Commissioner, Bill Ellis – 802-770-2169
• Constable (Lemi Carter): 802-236-2605
• Zoning Administrator: Steve Ellerin – 802-775-1662 ext 4 [email protected]
• Town Assessor (Spencer Potter): 802-496-9689
Please follow our other online sources for information as well: