When and why should I register my dog?
According to Vermont law, your dog must be registered annually by April 1st at the town office. A valid rabies certificate is required at the time of registration. This allows the town and state to verify rabies vaccination in the case of a dog bite. In addition, this helps match lost doggies to the proper owner.
How do I register to vote in the Town of Mendon?
There are several ways to register to vote. You may complete a Vermont Application for Addition to the Checklist (available at the Town Office) or you may complete the voter registration form at the Department of Motor Vehicles. You must take the Voter’s Oath before you will be allowed to vote for the first time.
Where do I vote?
Voting takes place at the Town Office. The polls are open from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The annual meeting is held at the Mendon Mountainview Lodge on the evening of the first Monday in March.
What are your office hours?
The town office is open Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We are closed on Fridays. We are also available at other times by appointment.
There’s a stray dog in my area, whom should I call?
You should contact our animal control officer, Rod MacCuaig, at (802) 775-1545.
Should I also call Rod MacCuaig in the event of a dog bite?
A mortgage company pays my taxes. Have you sent them a copy of my tax bill?
You, the property owner, are responsible for sending a copy of your tax bill to the mortgage company. In some cases, the mortgage company will request a tax bill, which we are happy to provide.
Can I use my credit card to pay my taxes?
No, but you can arrange to have your tax payments automatically withdrawn from your checking or savings account. Check with the Town Treasurer for more details.
Could you tell me about Mendon’s tax payment schedule?
Taxes are due in two installments. The first payment is due on the second Monday of September. If you payment is late (by even one day), you will be assessed an interest charge of 1% per month. The second payment is due on the second Monday of March. If this payment is late, you will be assessed not only the 1% interest, but also an 8% penalty on the total tax due. We will schedule additional office hours (please call to check times) to receive tax payments. In addition, if you mail your tax payment, postmarks will be accepted. In other words, if the postmark is dated on or before the due date, your payment is considered timely.
I’m new to town. Where will my children go to school?
Students in grades K – 8 attend Barstow Memorial School in Chittenden. For more information, call the school at 773-6926.
High school students have a choice of attending any public high school. Tuition for non-denominational private schools will be reimbursed at the average state public high school tuition rate.
Where is the Mendon Town Post Office?
We don’t have one. Your mail is delivered through the Rutland City Post Office.
There’s a tree across my road, what should I do?
Call our Road Commissioner, Bill Ellis, at the Town Garage (802-773-4402). After hours, call him at home (802-775-5839).
Do I need a burn permit?
Yes. Please check our website for more details.
I want to get married or have a civil union, what do I need to do?
If either one of you live in Mendon or if you both live out of state and are having the ceremony performed in Vermont, complete a marriage or civil union worksheet and return it to the Town Office. One or both of you must pick up the license in person at the Town Office. The license fee is $45.
I am interested in volunteering some time to the Town of Mendon. Is there anything I can do?
Yes. We often need office help, election coverage and/or committee members. Contact Sara or Nancy at (802) 775-1662 for more information about outstanding opportunities to serve your town. We guarantee you will have fun while doing it.
How do I get something on the Selectboard agenda?
Call Sara Tully (802-775-1662), our Town Administrator at least one week prior to the Selectboard meeting.