Posted by & filed under BUUSD.

Below are posting notices for the following meetings:
All School Board meeting information, including a link to participate remotely, can be found online at

The Barstow Unified Union School District has the following opening for the Office of School Board of Director* for the coming election in March 2025:

All board seats are three year terms unless otherwise noted.

Petitions are available at the links provided above, at your Town Clerk’s Office, and the Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union Central Office at 49 Court Drive in Brandon.  Requests for petitions can also be made by calling the RNESU Central Office at (802) 247-5757.

Completed petitions, along with a signed Consent of Candidate Form, are due to your Town Clerk by Monday, January 27, 2025.  Petitions for town specific seats require signatures of the lesser of 1% of registered voters or 30 signatures.  Petitions for at-large seats require the signature of 60 registered voters.

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