Posted by & filed under Announcement.

The 2024-2025 Mendon Tax Bills have gone out in the mail today Tuesday July 30, 2024, with the first payment due September 9, 2024.


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The State of Vermont sustained significant flood damage on 7/10/24 and into 7/11/24.  The flooding continues throughout the state with additional localized storms forecasted throughout the day on 7/11/24.

The Town of Mendon has conducted an initial damage assessment to public infrastructure and has no damage to report at this time.  If you witness non-emergency road washout or flooding, please contact Road Commissioner, Chris Baird at 802-773-4402 or [email protected] to report this damage.

Emergency events that require emergency response dial 911.

Reports of private damage to homes, businesses, and property should be reported to 211.  The 211 operators will connect private property owners to various forms of assistance. For mental health assistance, dial 988.

“Turn around don’t drown” – please do not attempt to drive through flooded roadways.  Hazards can exist under floodwaters.

Avoid entering or swimming in waters that could contain flood debris and toxins that have potentially entered the watercourse miles upstream.  Please keep pets and animals safe by not allowing them to access floodwater.

– posted by Mendon Emergency Management Team

Posted by & filed under Announcement, News.

The Vermont Legislature passed Act 133 (S.55) that amended Vermont’s Open Meeting Law, 1 V.S.A. effective July 1, 2024.

Highlights of Act 133 (S.55) include:

  • permits “advisory bodies” – those that do not have supervision, control, or jurisdiction over legislative, quasi-judicial, tax, or budgetary matters – to meet electronically without a physical meeting location (i.e., remotely);
  • requires all other public bodies (i.e., “non-advisory bodies”) to record, in audio or video form, their meetings and post the recordings in a designated electronic location for a minimum of 30 days following the approval and posting of the official minutes of the meeting which was recorded;
  • allows all public bodies to meet remotely in response to a state of emergency or “local incident”;
  • requires all public bodies to provide local residents, members of the press, or members of the body itself electronic/telephonic or in-person meeting access options to a regularly scheduled meeting, if requested (unless it causes an undue hardship);
  • requires a municipality to post on its website (if it maintains one):
  • an explanation of the procedures for submitting notice of an Open Meeting Law violation to the public body or the Attorney General; and
  • a copy of the text of 1 V.S.A. § 314; and
  • imposes annual training requirements on board chairs, town managers, and mayors.

Mendon’s Open Meeting Law Policy and Procedures for submitting notice of an Open Meeting Law violation to the public body or Attorney General are below.


Open Meeting Law Policy


Open Meeting Law Violation Complaint Form


Open Meeting Law complaints directed to the Vermont Attorney General can be sent to: 

Vermont Attorney General’s Office
Address: 109 State Street,  Montpelier, VT 05609
Phone (802) 828-3171
Email: [email protected]

Related Links:


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The Town of Mendon is accepting proposals for the Journey End Erosion Control and Reconstruction Project.



Bids are due 8/8/24 at 10 AM, Bid opening is at 11 AM

Pre-bid site visit is 7/30/24 at 9:30 AM at Journeys End

Please contact Chris Baird, Road Commissioner at 802-773-4402 or [email protected] if you have any questions.

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Monday, May 20, 2024
Barstow Memorial School Library
Virtual Option Available

6:00 PM

link for the meeting can be found here:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 895 6651 8151
Passcode: 695308


For the meeting agenda and documents:


05-20-2024 BUU Posting Notice – Agenda