Posted by & filed under Announcement.


November 6, 2018 is General Election Day, the office will be closed for all purposes except for voting.  Polls are open 8am to 7pm. Please click below to view the ballots.

General Election Sample Ballots

There will also be a Bake Sale held inside the office.

All proceeds will go towards Barstow Memorial School’s 5th Grade Class trip to Cape Cod.

Items for sale include cookies, muffins, breads, soups!

Posted by & filed under Announcement.


Tabulator test for the tabulator machine to be used at the General Election in Mendon on November 06, 2018

Where: Mendon Town Office – 2282 US Route 4, Mendon, VT 05701

When:  Wednesday, October 24, 2018 – 10:00 a.m.

Why: To test and secure the tabulator prior to the General Election.

Posted by & filed under Announcement.



Table of Contents:

Section 1. Findings

Section 2. Prohibition

Section 3. Permit Application

Section 4. Penalty

Section 5. Designation

Section 6. Indemnification

Section 7. Effective Date

The Fireworks ordinance was adopted by the Town of Mendon Selectboard on October 9th, 2018. This Ordinance shall become effective 60 days after the adoption unless a petition is filed under 24 V.S.A. § 1973. The voters of the Town of Mendon have the right to petition the Selectboard to reconsider the adoption of this ordinance at a Special Town Meeting provided that such petition is presented to either the Selectboard or Town Clerk no later than November 22, 2018.

A full text of the ordinance can be examined at the Mendon Town Office and the Mendon Website at Any voter with questions pertaining to this ordinance may contact Sara Tully, Mendon Town Administrator at 802-775-1662 or 2282 US Route 4, Mendon, VT 05701.


Posted by & filed under Announcement, BUUSD.




You are invited to join the Barstow Unified Union School Board on Monday, October 29th at 6:00 p.m. (in the school library) for an informational meeting on a proposed amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the Barstow Unified Union School District. This Article, providing for one additional at-large director, will be submitted to voters in Chittenden and Mendon on Election Day (November 6th,2018).

Currently, Chittenden has two elected members and Mendon one elected member on the school board. There is also one “at-large” member who can be a resident from either town and is elected by both towns. The school board recognizes its high level of responsibility to provide stewardship for the school and the importance of community linkage in that stewardship. That said, the board is asking voters if a second “at-large” seat could be added to the board, allowing another resident from either town to be elected, creating a five member board.

All residents are encouraged to attend. To facilitate your attendance, food (pizza) and onsite childcare will be provided.

Please feel free to contact Deborah Singiser, Board Chair, or Jeanne Collins, RNESU Superintendent, with any questions, through the “Let’s Talk” button on the schools website. Your questions will promptly be directed to the right person.



October 29, 2018 6:00 PM at Barstow Memorial School



November 6, 2018 Polls at Mendon Town Office are open 8 am – 7 pm

Click here to see the Press Release

Click here to see the District Warning

Click here to see the sample ballot