Posted by & filed under Announcement.

Vermont Municipal Assessor (VMA) is conducting a reappraisal for the Town of Mendon for the April 1, 2020 Grand List. It is very important that VMA use the best data about your property and is requesting an interior inspection. You can schedule an interior inspection by VMA by going to the following web site:

Mendon 2020 Reappraisal

Thank you for your cooperation.

If you need assistance making an appointment for the inspection, please contact the Mendon Town Office at 802-775-1662 and the office staff will be happy to help you.

Vermont Municipal Assessors
Spencer Potter
Phone: 802-496-9689
E-mail: [email protected]

Posted by & filed under Announcement, Office Hours.

Taxes due Monday March 11, 2019

Additional Office Hours:

Friday – March 08, 2019 – 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Monday – March 11, 2019 – 8:00 am – 6:00 pm


According to state statutes (32 V.S.A., 1674), any payments not received in the office or postmarked (US Postal Service postmarks only) by Monday March 11, 2019 will be automatically subject to an 8% penalty and 1% interest per month or any part thereof.

Posted by & filed under Announcement, News.

The Vermont Legislature passed Act 46 in May 2017, which significantly changes the state laws that govern vital records –namely, birth and death certificates. The new law and rules will enhance the safety and security of birth and death certificates, provide better protection against misuse of these legal documents, and reduce the potential for identity theft. Additionally, the changes streamline the entire statewide system for creation, storage and tracking of birth and death certificates. Act 46 will impact anyone who seeks a copy of a Vermont birth or death certificate. The changes go into effect on July 1, 2019

Please click below for more information on the changes

Changes in Vital Records Law (Act 46)

Click here for text of Act 46