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The Town of Mendon has scheduled grievance hearings for June 17, 2019 starting at 9am.  Please call the office to schedule your appointment.  802.775-1662

Please click the link below for the notice to taxpayers.

Notice to Taxpayers


The link below contains our new Grievance application form, please feel free to return the form to the office ahead of time or you may bring it with you to your grievance appointment.

Grievance Application Form 2019

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On Monday May 20, 2019 resurfacing will begin on Meadowlake Drive, please expect delays and plan accordingly.

If you have any questions please call Sara Tully, 775-1662

Posted by & filed under Announcement, Office Closings.

Please Be Advised…..

The Town Office will be closed for a couple hours Tuesday May 7, 2019 as the town officials will be meeting with FEMA.  Please check back periodically for the updated hours in which it will be closed. Thank you

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Event:  Green Up Day, Sat, May 4th


Grab your friends, join your neighbors and get involved in Vermont’s state-wide Green Up Day on May 4th.  It’s easy!  Pick a road, grab a bag and do your part!  Bags for the Town of Mendon are available at the town office.


Get involved!  Stay informed and share (#GreenUpVt. #GreenUpDay. #GetInvolved)!  Go to:

Posted by & filed under Announcement, RFP.

Town of Mendon, VT
Wheelerville Road, Culvert 07-61 Replacement Project

The Town of Mendon (Town) is requesting bids from qualified construction contractors to replace the Culvert 07-06 on Wheelerville Road. The project is located along Wheelerville Road approximately 0.6 miles north of its intersection with Notch Road. Replacement shall incorporate the removal of the existing culvert and replacement with an aluminized CMP (71” x 47”) pipe arch and headwall. Project shall also include site preparation, including removal of loose, woody and deleterious material, removal of culvert, installation of CMP arch pipe, installation of headwall and wingwalls, machine placement and compaction of riprap, stonefill, filter base and other granular material, road subbase and base material, temporary stream diversion, road subbase and road surface course aggregate, traffic control and incidental items. Invitation for bids, Information for Bidders, (RFP) contact is available via Download Electronic Copy: Download Bid Documents as a pdf at for a non-refundable charge of $50.00. If hard copies are wanted or to submit questions, contact David Conger, Project Manager at 802.728.7225 or at [email protected].

A non-mandatory on-site briefing is scheduled for April 9, 2019 at 10:00 AM at the project site on Wheelerville Road. The Town’s Project Manager will then conduct a site review with interested parties. Bids shall be delivered to the name and address identified in the Information for Bidders no later than April 16, 2019 at 2:00 PM. Proposals submitted later than this date and time will not be opened, and will be rejected.

Posted by & filed under Announcement, Office Closings.

The Mendon Town Office will be closed Thursday April 11, 2019 so the staff can attend the Annual Town Officers Education Conference.

We apologize for any inconvenience!