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Date 8-19-19

The Town of Mendon is conducting two culvert replacement projects on Wheelerville Road before the end of October. Each project will take approximately one week to complete and Wheelerville Road will be closed to thru traffic at the location of the projects.  Road projects are always weather dependent.  Therefore, the town will post updated information on the construction schedule on the town’s website and at the physical project site.

The first project will replace culvert 07-48 and will start on August 26th.  This culvert is located 1.7 miles from the Notch Road intersection.  Richard Reed and Sons, LLC has been contracted to perform this work under the direction of Dubois & King Engineers.

The second project will replace culvert 07-61 and the construction schedule has not been determined at this time.  This culvert is located .5 miles from the Notch Road intersection.  The installation of this culvert includes precast cement wing walls which are on order, but the delivery of them has not been determine to date.  The construction schedule will be determined upon delivery of the wing walls and posted on the town’s website.  ECS Excavating, LLC has been contracted to perform this work under the direction of Dubois & King Engineers.

If you have any questions, please contact Bill Ellis, Mendon Road Commissioner at 802-773-4402.

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Please click below for a copy of the Mendon Town Plan that has been approved by the Mendon Planning Commission. A Public Hearing and  adoption of the town plan will be warned by the Selectboard in the future.

2019 Mendon Town Plan

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Date: June 17, 2019

To: All Mendon Property Owners

RE: Lottery for Maple Logs (possibly some Birch)

The Town of Mendon has contracted with Trees, Inc. to remove two large maple and some large limbs from a birch tree at the Tenney Cemetery on Meadowlake Drive. The wood could be processed for fire wood.  It is expected there could be one to two truck loads of logs from this project.  The Selectboard is allowing interested parties to sign up for a lottery to receive the wood at no charge to the property owner.  The names will be drawn at random with the first name receiving the first available truck load, the second name receiving the second truck load (if available) and so on.  The wood will be delivered by Trees, Inc.  Property Owner must express interest to the Town of Mendon Selectboard via written notice or email to [email protected] by June 25, 2019.


  1. Must be a Mendon Property Owner to enter the lottery.
  2. Delivery address must be a property within the Town of Mendon. The town reserves the right to deny delivery based on location and access to the property.
  3. Property Owner must agree to take the entire truck and will not be able to accept only a partial load or certain type of wood.
  4. Log lengths and size will vary.  The trees are 2’ in diameter.
  5. Schedule for delivery will be determined by the progress of the project which is based on scheduling by the Town of Mendon with Trees, Inc. The Town will provide at least 24 hours notice for delivery.
  6. Notice to enter the lottery must be in writing with the Property Owner’s name, address, email and phone number as well as a clear description of the delivery address and location where the logs will be delivered. Example: “Joe Smith, 2282 US Route 4, Mendon, VT 05701, [email protected], 802-775-XXXX, deliver to 2282 US Route 4, at the end of the driveway to the left side of the garage.” The Road Commissioner will inspect the location for delivery if he is not already familiar with the location.

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New Rules for Vital Records (effective July 1, 2019)

The new rules for Vital Records established by Act 46 (link is external) intend to bring Vermont in line with best practices to enhance the safety and security of vital records and provide greater protection against identity theft. They will also streamline processes for greater efficiency by clarifying who is responsible for records and how records are to be created, stored, copied and shared. The new rules were developed from recommendations by the Vital Records Study Committee (link is external) and testimony from a wide variety of stakeholders, including town clerks and members of the public. The new changes go into effect on July 1, 2019.




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You’re invited…


Mendon Town Picnic

Saturday June 8, 2019 12:00pm – 4:00pm

Hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks will be provided.


There will be games and activities, bring your softball gear!

We are asking residents to please bring a dish to share. If your last name begins with A-L bring a dessert, if your last name begins with M-Z bring a side dish. Thank you!

There will also be a table set up for some town business; if you didn’t get your house 911 number in 2010 you can pick that up at the picnic, you can register your dog, there will be copies of the Town Plan, and you can sign up for Front Porch Forum

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Vermont recording fees will increase effective July 1, 2019.


Below is a summary of the changes. Please plan accordingly so there is no delay in processing your recordings due to a shortage of fees.


Summary of Vermont Recording Fee Changes

Per H.526 (approved by VT Legislature 2019 session)


32 V.S.A. §1671      Effective: July 1, 2019


Document recording fees $10/page $15/page
PTTR (Property transfer tax return) $10/document $15/document
Survey plat recording fees $15/sheet $25/sheet
Certified copy of records (no change) $10/page $10/page
Examination of records (vault time) $2/hour $4/hour


* Documents include all items recorded in the land records (deeds, mortgages, assignments, liens, releases, permits)


* Multiple assignments or releases included on one document are charged $15/assignment or release.



Contact the Town Clerk’s office with any questions, 802.775.1662