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Tire Sale & Drop Off
October 24 – 26, 2019


On Thursday and Friday tires are dropped off and inspected by DMV officials at locations in Middlesex, Mendon, Stowe, and Williston. The tire sale takes place Saturday from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Middlesex and Mendon. Over 3,000 people attend and participate in this event every year.

Tire Prices:

13”, 14” and Singles – FREE

15” – $15 Each

16” – $20 Each

17” – $25 Each

18/19” and Larger – $30 Each

All tires are half price starting at 10:00 a.m.

Over the past fourteen years the program has raised nearly $500,000 for emergency heating assistance programs, rescued 45,000 tires from the waste stream, sold 20,000 safe tires, and recycled 33,000 unsafe tires.


Wheels for Warmth Flyer

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The Mendon Town Office will be closed Thursday October 3, 2019 so the staff can attend the Annual Town Fair and Monday October 14, 2019 in observance of Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

We are sorry for any inconvenience.


Posted by & filed under Announcement, Warnings.

The Mendon Selectboard will conduct a Public Hearing regarding the updated Mendon Town Plan, Monday, October 28, 2019 6:30 pm, Mendon Town Clerk’s Office 2282 US-4, Mendon, VT. Thanks in part to a Municipal Planning Grant, the Mendon Planning Commission has worked with the Rutland Regional Planning Commission to comprehensively update the Mendon Town Plan. The proposed Mendon Town Plan has been updated to better conform to Vermont State Statute (24 VSA Chapter 117) and to better serve as a guidance document for the next eight years. Copies of the Draft Town Plan are available at the Town Clerk’s Office, at the Mendon Town Garage, and by clicking the link below

Proposed 2019 Town Plan

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Starting Wednesday 9/25/19, Wheelerville Road is closed to through traffic to perform a culvert replacement project. The project is located 6.5 miles from Route 4 and 1/2 mile from the intersection of the Notch Road. The project is expected to take one week.

Update:  10/1/19:  The contractor reopened the road the evening of 9/30/19.  Wheelerville Road is now open to thru traffic.



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Jim Harrison “Office Hours”

Or perhaps more aptly “dump and donuts” will take place at the following times and locations:

Saturday, September 21
8:30 – 10:30 am – Bridgewater Transfer Station

Saturday, September 28
8:30 – 10:30 am – Chittenden Transfer Station

Saturday, October 5
8:30 – 10:30 am – Killington Transfer Station

Thursday, September 26
9:00 – 11:00 am – Mendon Town Office

I encourage members of the district (Bridgewater, Chittenden, Killington and Mendon) to stop by during one of the times above to provide input on State issues of importance to you or just to say Hi. Feedback and suggestions to move Vermont forward are always welcome.

Vermont has a citizen legislature, with state representatives and senators being part time positions. Most have other occupations they work around or take a leave from when the legislature is in session from January to May or are otherwise retired from their careers. And unless they are the House Speaker or Senate Pro Tem, they do not have offices or personal staff.

A citizen legislature (in my view) helps to keep our elected representatives more accessible to the districts they represent. Fall is a good time to start planning for the upcoming session with the sharing of ideas and concerns. I hope you will stop by during one of the above “Office Hours” or email me at [email protected].


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Starting Monday 8/26/19, Wheelerville Road is closed to through traffic to perform a culvert replacement project.  The project is located 5.3 miles from Route 4 and 1.3 miles from the intersection of the Notch Road.  The project is expected to take one week and the road is expected to be open again in the evening of Friday August 30, 2019.  Please check back here to see the most up to date information about the road opening.

Update 8/29/19:  The Road will be closed until Wednesday September 3, 2019.

Update 9/9/19:  Wheelerville Road is now open to through traffic.

Posted by & filed under Announcement, Office Hours.

Taxes are due September 9, 2019.

The Town of Mendon will have extended office hours as follows:

Thursday September 5 open 8:00am – 6:00pm

Friday September 6 open 8:00am -12:00pm

Monday September 9 open 8:00am – 6:00pm


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Date 8-19-19

The Town of Mendon is conducting two culvert replacement projects on Wheelerville Road before the end of October. Each project will take approximately one week to complete and Wheelerville Road will be closed to thru traffic at the location of the projects.  Road projects are always weather dependent.  Therefore, the town will post updated information on the construction schedule on the town’s website and at the physical project site.

The first project will replace culvert 07-48 and will start on August 26th.  This culvert is located 1.7 miles from the Notch Road intersection.  Richard Reed and Sons, LLC has been contracted to perform this work under the direction of Dubois & King Engineers.

The second project will replace culvert 07-61 and the construction schedule has not been determined at this time.  This culvert is located .5 miles from the Notch Road intersection.  The installation of this culvert includes precast cement wing walls which are on order, but the delivery of them has not been determine to date.  The construction schedule will be determined upon delivery of the wing walls and posted on the town’s website.  ECS Excavating, LLC has been contracted to perform this work under the direction of Dubois & King Engineers.

If you have any questions, please contact Bill Ellis, Mendon Road Commissioner at 802-773-4402.

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Please click below for a copy of the Mendon Town Plan that has been approved by the Mendon Planning Commission. A Public Hearing and  adoption of the town plan will be warned by the Selectboard in the future.

2019 Mendon Town Plan