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The Mendon Town Office will be closed Monday January 18th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  Thank you.

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Due to COVID-19 it is expected that Town Meeting will be held remotely.  Details are still to be determined along with voting the budget by Australian ballot.

Please review the draft budget below for the upcoming fiscal year.  The Selectboard will discuss the budget on Monday, January 11, 2021 at its regularly scheduled Selectboard meeting at 5:30 p.m.  In addition, a special Selectboard meeting will be held on Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. to finalize the budget.  These will be the final chances to make changes or offer any input into this particular budget.  Due to COVID-19, the Town will be voting all articles via Australian Ballot this year.  Once the budget has been finalized and warned, no further changes can be made.  Let us hear from you if you have any questions, concerns, or other input into the meeting.  You can always reach us by e-mail if you’d like.  Sara Tully, Town Administrator can be reached at [email protected] and Nancy Gondella, Town Clerk/Treasurer can be reached at [email protected].  Either of us would be happy to send your e-mail along to the Selectboard for consideration. 

Further information regarding how to access the meetings will be posted prior to the meetings at

Posted by & filed under BUUSD.

The BUU Board will be ringing in the new year with budgets and ballots at our next extended meeting on January 11th, 2021.

We will be holding a Candidate Orientation for all those interested in running prior to our regularly scheduled meeting on January 11th, 2021 at 5:00pm. We will be available to answer any questions you may have regarding the candidate process or the position itself. 

Petitions are currently available for three BUU member seats.  There are two (2) seats for a Chittenden resident and one (1) At-Large seat to be held by a resident of either Chittenden or Mendon. Board terms are three years, however, please note that one of the Chittenden seats in this election will be for only one year due to a previous resignation. 

Due to current situations, the need to obtain voter signatures on a petition has been waived for the 2021 elections. The only requirement this year is to self nominate yourself by submitting a Consent of Candidate form to your local town clerk.  Consent of Candidate forms are due to your respective town clerks by January 25th, 2021.

Our regularly scheduled board meeting will begin thereafter at 6pm where we will be voting on the FY22 Budget.  A link to the budget can be found on the home page of rnesu.  

All Board meetings are open to the public. If you are interested in attending any upcoming BUUSD meetings, please go to the calendar on the RNESU website and click on the link for dial-in information.

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Agenda: COVID-19

Emergency Selectboard Meeting
Tue, Nov 17, 2020 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM (EST)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (312) 757-3121

Access Code: 378-506-893

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

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The Town office holiday hours will be:

Closed Wednesday November 25 and Thursday November 26 for the Thanksgiving Holiday

Closed Wednesday December 23 and December 24 for the Christmas Holiday

Closed Thursday December 31 for the New Year Holiday

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Everyone eats provides nutritious meals to Vermonters in need of food assistance and a stabilizing source of income for Vermont restaurants, farmers, and food producers. Everyone Eats is funded by the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund and made possible through a grant provided by the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development to Southeastern Vermont Community Action.