Mendon has three cemetery commissioners. The Cemetery Commission oversees the Town’s seven cemeteries and is responsible for administrating cemetery regulations, maintaining records, and planning for future needs. They mow, trim, and do what straightening up of monuments is needed.
- Tenney Cemetery, located on Meadowlake Drive, is the most frequently used now. The land is gently rolling and can be approached most easily of all the Mendon cemeteries. A fence surrounds the area, and there are memorials and shrubberies which show signs of constant care.
- Townline Cemetery – A Revolutionary War Soldier named Isaac Saunders lived all his life and died in Mendon. His tombstone was never discovered, but it was believed he had been buried in the Townline Cemetery. The daughters of the American Revolution approached the Selectmen several years ago, requesting permission for a monument to be erected in memory of Isaac Saunders. Permission was granted. Although the names of Edson, Wilkins, Boutwell, and others appear here, we may refer to this as the Saunders Cemetery.
- Cream Hill Road Cemetery – Up Cream Hill Road, off Route 4, in a little cemetery, stands one big monument with many smaller ones surrounding it. Most of the names are members of the Eggleston family and tracing back the genealogy with the help of Mrs. Alton Swan in Rutland, we have found that a Jonathan Eggleston came from Pequomic, CT with a number of children to Rutland. The family was “warned out” of Rutland and took property in Mendon in 1803. (It was apparently a custom to remove from towns any families who may appear to become a problem.)
- Mendon Mountain Orchard Cemetery – In a cemetery surrounded by the Mendon Mountain Orchard property, there appears to be four families consisting of the Petty family, the Farnum family, the Rice family, and the Ormsby family. The majority of the people died before reaching the age of forty. The earliest burial was 1812 by the death of David S. Petty. The last burial was in 1910 by the death of Charlotte Temple, wife of William Rice. David Gale, horticulturist at the Mendon Mountain ORchard, said the last person he remembered who took care of the cemetery was Fred Sargent.
- Mountain Cemetery – In a large clearing just off Wheelerville Road, under whispering pine trees is the Mountain Cemetery. The graves are covered with sweet-scented ferns which grow profusely. If Mendon is to provide future additional burial space, the approach to this place must be improved to reach this old and very beautiful spot.
- Wheelerville Road Cemetery – Further down WHeelerville Road, just beyond McLaughlin Falls, is another cemetery no longer used. Trees have grown thick between the graves; and if the location were not pointed out, a person would have difficulty finding the place. When a Diptheria epidemic hit Mendon over a hundred years ago, a large percentage of the population was hit, and many people were buried here within a very short time.
- Wilkins Cemetery – About a hundred years ago, a father, mother, and child were buried on their own property. The Wilkins Cemetery with three graves is on the road to Shrewsbury, beyond the girl scout camp (toward the camp of Clark Mason).
Appointed Officials
Val Taylor (3/31/2025)
Chris Baird (3/312025)
Dennis Charles (3/31/2025)