Mendon has partnered with CAI Technologies for our new mapping software which is available for review by clicking on the Logo above. You can use the site for the following information; parcel acreage, property line dimensions, abutters lists, and using layers such as zoning districts, flood maps and contour maps. You can also print a map of any parcel and print the property lister card. Some features are not available for Mendon yet, please check back as more will be added soon.
Click here for GIS instructions
CAI Technologies is a leader in GIS Solutions and Precision Mapping. Their services include: Geographic Information System (GIS) design, implementation, and maintenance; AxisGIS; Web-based GIS; Public Works Information Management (PWIM) GIS for utilities; Customized desktop, web and mobile GIS solutions; Municipal mapping, including record research and compilation; Utility infrastructure mapping; GPS data collection and integration; and Overlay data development and integration.
AxisGIS is an Internet-based mapping service for communities and businesses that want to publish their GIS online. AxisGIS is helping communities share their parcel data which enables homeowners and real estate professionals to query, browse, report and print maps from their own computers. This easy to use online GIS supports a variety of municipal functions, provides a platform for police and school collaboration, and creates a connection between town government, local businesses, and communities.