Click here to see BCA Hearing Results

Result of Grievances by the Assessor were sent June 29, 2021.
**An appeal from the Assessor to the BCA begins with a written appeal from the taxpayer, filed with the town clerk, listing the grounds for the appeal. 32 V.S.A. § 4404(a). This notice must be filed within 14 days of the date of mailing of the result of grievance notice, by 4:00pm July 13, 2021.
For more information on the Grievance and Appeals process click here :
The Town of Mendon has been granted an extension on the 2020 Town Wide Reappraisal. The new values have been set as of April 1, 2021, here is the Mendon 2021 Reappraisal Data.  
To help our residents navigate the grievance process we have put together a timeline of the process 2021 Reappraisal Timeline.   As well we have included a list of Reappraisal FAQ.
If you would like to reference the 2020 Grand List, here it is. 2020-mendon-grand-list
Property owners should go on line here: and look at their property card to determine if everything (acreage, square footage, # of bathrooms/bedrooms, etc.) looks right. 
Recent sales in Mendon over the past year are uploaded here :  Property Transfer Tax Returns for your reference.  They are in order by road name.  
Grievance Hearings have been scheduled for June 17, 18, 19.  Please call the town office to schedule your appointment, 802-775-1662.  
**To start the process of grieving your assessment please fill out the application below and return to the Town Office by 4:00pm JUNE 17, 2021

Mendon Town Assessor:

Spencer Potter
Phone: 802-496-9689
E-mail: [email protected]