Posted by & filed under Announcement, Warnings.

The Mendon Selectboard will conduct a public hearing on Monday, March 28, 2022 at 6:00 PM at the Mendon Town Office, 2282 US Route 4, Mendon, VT. The purpose of the hearing is to afford interested persons an opportunity to express their views on the following:
Proposed Mendon Enhanced Energy Plan and a concurrent proposed amendment to the Energy Section of the Mendon Town Plan adopted August 24, 2020. The Mendon Town Plan has been updated in accordance with the goals set forth in 24 V.S.A. §4302. The changes made to the Mendon Town Plan include the adoption of a stand-alone Mendon Enhanced Energy Plan (EEP) and a related updated energy section referencing the EEP in the Mendon Town Plan, in compliance with the enhanced energy planning requirements set by the Department of Public Service and Act 174, to comply with state planning goals, and to be consistent with the Rutland Regional Planning Commission (RRPC) Regional Plan. The geographic area affected is the Town of Mendon.
Following the Public Hearing the Selectboard shall Further information is available by contacting the Mendon Town Office at 2282 US Route 4, Mendon, VT Monday through Thursday between the hours of 9 AM and 4 PM by telephone 802-775-1662 or email [email protected]. A copy of the proposed Enhanced Energy Plan and the proposed amendment to the Energy Section of the Mendon Town Plan Adopted August 24, 2020 are also available on the Town of Mendon website at

Date posted: March 10, 2022

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