Residents that would like to drop off Green Up items at the Regional Transfer Station on Gleason road must call them to set up an appointment: (802) 775-7209 x206. Requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis. All Regional Transfer Station users are required to show their permit upon entry to the facility. No household garbage is accepted in green bags for free. You must bring trash/litter picked up from illegal disposal contained in green bags in order to dump at no cost.
We would like to remind you of safe Green Up practices as well as Covid-19 precautions and requirements.
The following programs are on hold and not currently accepting materials: hazardous waste and scrap metal. If one finds tires or freon-containing appliances that have been illegally disposed of, and desires to bring them to the Regional Transfer Station please call (802) 775-7209 x206.
Thank you for your work to keep our state beautiful and green. Feel free to reach out with any questions/concerns.